TL;DR Article V Call
The State of ____________________ in passing this law or resolution assumes the costs and responsibilities presented in the embedded Application for Article V Convention.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ______________________, that we make an application to the Congress of the United States of America for an Article V Convention that will use the following framework in order to discuss and propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America.
If Congress fails to call for the Article V Convention within six (6) months after the thirty fourth (34th) state passage of this application for an Article V Convention, then the states that have passed this application shall challenge Congress by petitioning the Supreme Court for relief.
If the challenge should fail, then all state applications for an Article V Convention shall become immediately null and void.
If Congress changes or discards the framework in this application for an Article V Convention, then the states that have passed this application shall challenge Congress by petitioning the Supreme Court for relief.
If the challenge should fail, then all state applications for an Article V Convention shall become immediately null and void and no Article V Convention shall be held.
For the purposes of the Article V Convention the District of Columbia shall be considered a state and may join the Article V Convention if the District of Columbia city council passes the call for an Article V Convention in time to select their delegates as outlined below. The District of Columbia cannot be counted towards the required two-thirds of the several states for calling the Article V Convention.
Each state shall select three (3) residents to represent them as delegates at the Article V Convention. Three (3) alternatives shall also be selected along with the order in which they would be called to service.
State delegates shall be elected during the next federal general election after Congress has called for the Article V Convention.
The rules of the Article V Convention may not change the framework outlined in this application unless each change to the framework is approved by at least a seventy-five percent (75%) majority of the Article V Convention delegates during the Article V Convention or by a unanimous vote of the organizational committee prior to the start of the Article V Convention.
Each state may send up to three (3) amendments to the Article V Convention for consideration. The amendments must be received by the chair at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first day of the Article V Convention. Each state by passage of a state law will determine how they will select their proposed amendments.
The citizens of the state must be given a reasonable opportunity to provide suggestions and input on the amendments that will be submitted to the Article V Convention.
No amendment may be considered by the Article V Convention that is not proposed by one or more of the states. Proposed amendments may be changed but the intent of the final amendment must closely align with the intent of one or more proposed amendments by the states.
The delegates shall follow any directions given to them by the legislature of their state or its appointed representative.
Unless directed otherwise by the legislature of their state or its appointed representative, for votes on an amendment submitted by the state they represent or on an amendment that closely follows the intent of an amendment submitted by the state they represent the state delegates will all vote YES to approve the amendment thus following the directions of their state. If the delegates believe that their amendment as amended or an amendment from another state while close to the intent of their state amendment in some way contradicts or undermines their originally submitted amendment, they shall vote NO.
On all other votes, delegates will vote as individuals rather than as a delegation.
Amendments must be approved by at least a sixty percent (60%) majority vote of the Article V Convention delegates.