Image of Article. V. section of the U.S. Constitution.

We desperately need to fix a multitude of problems. Many of these are Constitutional issues which will require amendments to the Constitution. An Article V Convention is the only path to resolving these issues.


Congress has not and will not fix these issues. Congress has been and will continue to be so split along partisan lines that it is incapable of fixing these issues.

The constitutional issues cross political lines. Liberal issues include overturning the Citizens United decision, elimination of the electoral college, gun control, and others. Conservative issues include balanced budget, limited government, and others. Issues that may cross party lines include term limits on Representatives and Senators, term limits on Supreme Court members, and others.

The Constitution in Article V provides a method for states to propose amendments to the Constitution that bypasses Congress, an Article V Convention. An Article V Convention is the only way that these critical issues will ever be addressed.


The only way an Article V Convention will ever happen is for both conservative and liberal controlled states to call for an Article V Convention.

The only way to get thirty-four conservative and liberal controlled states to join together and successfully call for an Article V Convention is for each state to pass an identical call for the Article V Convention that is issue-neutral and that includes a framework for the Article V Convention.

The call must be issue-neutral to get to thirty-four. There are not enough states that will support any partisan call for an Article V Convention.

The call must include a framework for the Article V Convention to address the legitimate concerns about how an Article V Convention would function.

The states must pass the identical call for the Article V Convention to prevent Congress from ignoring calls that are not identical.


An Article V Convention can be called. Must be called. There is only one way that an Article V Convention will ever be called. Thirty-four states must pass an identical issue-neutral call the includes a framework for the Article V Convention.